Tuesday 15 June 2021

Prometheus & Grafana dashboard setup

 Resorce to setup Prometheus:



To open Grafana dashboard: (userid/password : admin/admin)


kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $(kubectl get pod --namespace monitoring -l app=kube-prometheus-grafana -o template --template "{{(index .items 0).metadata.name}}") 3000:3000


kubectl get pod --namespace monitoring -l app=kube-prometheus-grafana

kubectl port-forward -n monitoring kube-prometheus-grafana-8669b7f999-xnq7q  3000:3000


To open Prometheus dashboard: (Prometheus a datasource, Grafana is used to show it in UI)


kubectl --namespace monitoring port-forward $(kubectl get pod --namespace monitoring -l prometheus=kube-prometheus -l app=prometheus -o template --template "{{(index.items 0).metadata.name}}") 9090:9090

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