Sunday, 4 February 2018

kill port on Windows

to find port : netstat -ano | findstr :8080
to kill port  : taskkill /PID <PROCESSID> /F

AWS ELB differences - ALB vs NLB vs CLB

Difference between : Application Load Balancer vs Network Load Balancer vs Classic Load Balancer

Application ELB Network ELB Classic ELB
Protocols load balance HTTP/HTTPS applications Ideal for load balancing of TCP traffic TCP, SSL, HTTP, HTTPS

Validates the request
Doesn't validate request.

Sticky sessions generated by ELB No Sticky sessions generated by application (Yes) – (req/res happens to only 1 serve always)

Route to multiple ports on a single instance (Create Listener rules) - Path-Based Routing/Host-Based Routing No No

HTTP/2 No No

ELB deletion protection Yes No

Web socket support

Supports access logs (logs stored in S3) Yes Yes

Requires you to specify more than one Availability Zone, but supports Load Balancing to multiple ports on the same instance It accepts incoming traffic from clients and distributes this traffic across the targets within the same Availability Zone

No Static/Elastic IP support No