Monday 30 July 2018

Prototype pattern

Prototype pattern can be achieved by deep cloning of an object.

For example:
1) I have invoked the DB for an employee details, assign the object to X reference
2) I need one more object of the same employee, we can reuse the X reference, like Employee Y = X;
3) But there is a problem here. If any value is changed in X reference, that will get reflected on Y reference as well.

To avoid this, we need to invoke the DB again at step 2, that would be an expensive call.

To avoid all these issues, we can go with an Deep Cloning of an Employee object. Hence we are creating a prototype of an X object.

Employee Y = X.clone();

If we use Shallow Cloning, we may not get values of the inner most objects. 
For example, Empoyee ==> Address details.

To achieve this, we need to go with Deep cloning. 

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