Sunday, 21 April 2024
Tuesday, 16 April 2024
Spring @Configuration vs @Component
There is a very subtle difference between them. Let me provide a very quick outlook to this.
Consider the below scenario:
public class MyConfig {
public ServiceA aService(){
return new ServiceA();
public ServiceB bService(){
return new ServiceB(aService());
Note that ServiceB
bean has a dependecy on ServiceA
and this is not autowired. Instead, the way it's written implies that a new instance is created, which is not actually created by Spring. You, the programmer, did it with the new
keyword instead.
So, if we do use @Configuration
, then it uses CGLIB proxying, and in this situation it creates a singleton bean managed by the Spring context. If you invoke it multiple times, it returns the same bean that was created by Spring - sort of autowiring effect.
Whereas if you use @Component
, it won't do this proxying and will simply return a new instance every time the method is invoked, instead of providing the Spring managed instance. (Remember that a Spring bean is something that is managed by the Spring container, and, as a developer, it's your job is to pull them in, e.g. with @Autowired
The same @Component
effect can be achieved with @Configuration(proxyEnabled= false)
(This is also referred to as bean light mode processing). So, in light mode, you would end up doing something like this:
@Configuration(proxyEnabled = false) // Lite mode, same effect as @Component
public class MyConfig {
public ServiceA aService() {
return new ServiceA();
public ServiceB bService(ServiceA aServiceBean){
return new ServiceB(aServiceBean);